Monolithic Domes Make Perfect Jails and Prisons

Interior layout — The use of space is optimized by central common areas surrounded by cells. A prison or jail built “in the round” simply functions more efficiently as an incarcerating facility. Sight lines are clear so there’s a better view of all that goes on. Sprayed concrete is much tougher than conventional concrete. The amount of heating and cooling is vastly reduced. But the speed of construction is substantially increased, so that time from plan to finish is really quite rapid.

Pods — Possible design for a typical cell block. Many of these “pods” could be joined together as need for more room increased. After reading this, many people will want to know: How much? The answer: Substantially less! If you base the pricing on what Monolithic is doing with schools and churches, rest assured that we will design and construct prisons for substantially less than the price at which they are currently being built. And ongoing costs for prison staffing, utilities and maintenance will also be less.

Youth Detention Center — Some twenty-five years ago, Monolithic devoted a lot of time and money to jail and prison design. We knew that incarcerating facilities should be totally fire safe and impenetrable from both the outside and inside. Through research, we also learned that few jails and prisons are insulated. Apparently, insulation was skipped to cut costs — an unnecessary forfeiture in a Monolithic Dome where the opposite is true. Rather than increasing costs, a dome’s insulation holds utility costs to a minimum.

Conceptual drawing of the “Panopticon” - The concept of the design, by Jeremy Benthams, is to allow an observer to observe (-opticon) all (pan) prisoners without the incarcerated being able to tell whether they are being watched.

Stateville Correctional Center — Located in Joliet, Illinois.

Presidio Modelo — An abandoned prison on the island of Juventud in Cuba

The Interior of the Presidio Modelo — The architecture incorporates a tower central to a circular building that is divided into cells, each cell extending the entire thickness of the building to allow inner and outer windows. The occupants of the cells are thus backlit, isolated from one another by walls, and subject to scrutiny both collectively and individually by an observer in the tower who remains unseen.

Interior of the Stateville Correctional Center — The Panopticon was intended to be cheaper than the prisons of his time, as it required fewer staff. As the watchmen cannot be seen, they need not be on duty at all times, effectively leaving the watching to the watched.