Shake Table Test Shows the Dome Shape is Virtually Earthquake-Proof

Northridge Earthquake, CA, January 17, 1994. Many roads, including bridges and elevated highways were damaged by the 6.7 magnitude earthquake. Approximately 114,000 residential and commercial structures were damaged and 72 deaths were attributed to the earthquake. Damage costs were estimated at $25 billion. FEMA News Photo (FEMA Photo Library)

Earthquake damage to a bowling alley in Yucca Valley, Southern California. The damage was done on June 28 during the 1992 Landers earthquake. (NOAA)

Hanshin -Awaji Earthquake 1995. (Matsuoka AkiraKaoru)

The 1985 Nahanni Earthquakes: Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale Areas where the two main shocks were felt. Strength of ground shaking is rated according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale: I for barely noticeable to XII for complete destruction. (Government of Canada)

During the 1990s, Charles Lin’s Monolithic Dome survived an earthquake unscathed. (Charles Lin)