The Monolithic Portable Concrete Mixer brings the term “portable concrete mixer” to a whole new level. Most so-called portable mixers have to be transported to the job-site. Then the aggregate must be moved to and shoveled into the mixer. Then the bags of cement must be moved to the mixer and usually hoisted up and into the barrel. Then the mixture must be dumped into a wheelbarrow and transported to the forms. All of these steps are backbreaking and time-consuming.
Monolithic’s Portable Concrete Mixer does the hard work for you. It is an attachment for a skid-steer or other front-end loader, so it is totally mobile. And it’s self-loading, so sand and gravel do not need to be hand shoveled. It mixes extremely quickly and is easy to maintain.
With a Monolithic Portable Concrete Mixer, the sand pile can be in one location, the cement in another and the discharge point at a third. This Mixer travels easily between the three locations. Its mixing speed is a great advantage, since it’s at least twice as fast as most so-called portable mixers. Monolithic’s Portable Concrete Mixer can easily mix two to three cubic yards of concrete or mortar per hour.
All shotcrete companies, whether they build Monolithic Domes or not, should own a Monolithic Portable Mixer. Even on large jobs that are serviced by ready-mix trucks, it is amazing how helpful it is to have a Monolithic Portable Mixer attachment on a skid-steer.
The Mixer is very useful for finishing touches and can be utilized for smaller projects on the site. It goes without saying the Monolithic Portable Mixer is the absolute best device to have (next to a good shotcrete pump) for smaller jobs. Remote jobs are made easy with a Monolithic Portable Mixer.
Every fence company needs a Monolithic Portable Mixer. It not only mixes, but it delivers. By using the slide side dump, post holes are a breeze. The labor saved pays for it in a short time.
Masonry contractors can use the Monolithic Portable Mixer to efficiently mix and deliver the mortar to the masons. With a set of forks, a bucket, and the Monolithic Portable Mixer, a skid-steer eliminates a huge part of the backbreaking work of laying block or brick. Masons should also consider a Monolithic Pump to pump the mortar on high buildings to the worker.
ICF builders need both a Monolithic GHP to fill the blocks and a Monolithic Portable Mixer to mix the block fill. This equipment can also spray shotcrete or stucco on the outer surfaces of ICFs.
For those that build using Insteel panels, the use of the Monolithic Portable Mixer and the Monolithic GHP is invaluable. Stucco mixing is simple with the Monolithic Portable Mixer, since it eliminates most of the work. Refractory linings can be easily mixed and transported using a Monolithic Portable Mixer.
The list of uses for the Monolithic Portable Mixer, such as those mentioned, only scratch the surface. Other ways to use this Mixer include mixing livestock feed, flower bed mixes, mulches, and more.

Side Release — The side release door can be used to fill post holes, curbs, precision dumping, etc. The paddle are angled in such a way that all of the material is steadily pushed out of the side. There is also an attachable side chute. (Monolithic)

Easy loading — One of the biggest advantages of having the mixer attached to the front of the skidsteer is that loading the bucket requires no shoveling. After a few practice loads, it surprisingly easy to get an accurate amount of aggregate every time. (Monolithic)