Compost covers: an unlikely Monolithic product

Monolithic headquarters in Italy, Texas is known for making Airforms and building Monolithic Domes. But for the last 10 years the company has also manufactured compost covers.
Monolithic headquarters in Italy, Texas is known for making Airforms and building Monolithic Domes. But for the last 10 years the company has also manufactured compost covers.
“Monolithic and MOR (Managed Organic Recycling) have been working steadily to create the best compost cover available, and this year we have created a product that has beat all the major competitors,” said Michael South, our vice president/director of operations.
As the company name implies, Managed Organic Recycling, Inc. is in the business of composting organic waste. What’s more, they have come up with a faster, more efficient way to process some of the thousands of tons of organic waste that our society produces every year. It’s called the Compost Cover System, and it can reduce composting time by half. Monolithic manufactures the MOR compost covers using a special breathable Teflon-lined fabric.
Managed Organic Recycling (MOR) has developed a new composting technology. Its called Aerated Static Pile or simply ASP.
Since 2005 Managed Organic Recycling, Inc. (MOR) has been improving the process of composting organic waste – something our society produces by the thousands of tons every year. But while some people continue seeing this waste material simply as waste, John Bouey, MOR’s president, calls it a valuable resource.
Compost Covers is another Monolithic product made in our plant here in Italy, Texas.