
A lighter side of the Monolithic Dome.

Celebrity Dome

As the Monolithic Dome becomes more popular, how does it keep its celebrity status from going to its head? Find out in Barry Byers’ latest comic.

Those Pesky Tourists

“Those Pesky Tourists!” A conventional cabin visits the Monolithic Dome Resort.

What happens when a conventional cabin visits the Monolithic Dome Resort? They become a pesky tourist, full of questions.

The Strength Test

What happens when a Monolithic Dome and a conventional home go head-to-head in a weightlifting contest? Find out in Barry Byers’ latest cartoon, “Strength Test.”

The Legend of Domestone

Have we mentioned that Monolithic Domes are super strong? Cuzzins Jeb and Joe found that out the hard way in Barry Byers’ latest Monolithic Dome Comic, The Legend of Domestone.