David B. South, co-inventor of the Monolithic Dome and founder of the Monolithic Dome Institute, was recently interviewed on a radio show about Monolithic Domes. He has spent over 40 years around Monolithic Domes and touted their disaster resistant qualities in the interview.
The interview took place in August 2016 on the show called Western Life Radio on the Backcountry Radio Network in Utah. Billed as an outdoor radio program, its segments cover a wide range of topics such as hunting, fishing, camping, and boating. It is broadcast seven days a week.
Appearing on the show proved to be very popular for Mr. South, who has done several media appearances over the years. The show’s host, Brian Brinkerhoff, stated the segment hit viral level and temporarily shut down his website.
There were two appearances on the show. Listen to the episode from August 14th and the episode from August 21st below, both on the Back Country Radio website.
August 14th episode — Interview with David starts at 4:32.
August 21st episode — Interview with David starts at 32:04.