Monolithic Dome Airplane Hangars and the Invention of the Hangar Door

Rendering of a small Monolithic Dome hangar with lateral door used for a private jet. Millions of dollars are spent on private jets and corporate air travel yet these planes are often stored in hangars incapable of protecting the planes during violent weather. A Monolithic Dome hangar is a tiny price to pay to protect a multi-million dollar investment. (Rick Crandall)

Huge Monolithic Dome hangars are capable of protecting even the largest jets including the Airbus A380, Boeing 747, and even the Air Force C5 cargo jet.

The military fighter F-35 fits easily in a small Monolithic Dome. The Monolithic Dome is resistant to more than just hurricanes and tornadoes.

The Monolithic Dome have withstood bombings without failing. If F-35 aircraft were stored individually in domes, they would be protected from damage if one building were somehow punctured.

A 40-foot diameter hangar affordably houses personal aircraft. It’s useful both for storage and as a cool, clean environment for maintaining aircraft.

A Boeing 747-400 fits easily inside a 300-foot diameter hangar. Note how the wide wings and long body shape fits naturally inside circular footprint. A hangar this size can house many other smaller aircraft around the edges and can include offices, mechanics stations, and large machinery to maintain the jumbo jet.