Beggs, Oklahoma Builds Two Monolithic Domes

Beggs, OK Event Center — Beggs built two Monolithic Domes: A 160’ diameter gymnasium/event center built on a 24’ Orion wall; a 112’ diameter dome on a 12’ Orion wall that provides nine additional classrooms, offices and a student commons area.

A huge school district — Beggs ISD encompasses 171 square miles and serves 1100 students, Pre-K through grade 12.

Changed plans — After receiving information about the benefits of Monolithic Domes, the Beggs school board toured domes in Italy, Texas and decided to build Monolithic, rather than a metal structure.

Grand Opening — On January 24, 2006, students, dignitaries and a crowd of 1500 participated in the grand opening of this Monolithic Dome facility, designed by Architect Michael McCoy.