It’s A Hit: NCTC’s Monolithic Dome Performing Arts Center

FSB at NCTC — The First State Bank of Gainesville, Texas sponsored the name of the new Performing Arts Center at North Central Texas College.

Recruiting tool — NCTC’s administrators view their Performing Arts Center as a powerful recruiting tool.

Lobby-Gallery — It curves around the 360-seat proscenium theater and provides a display area for students’ paintings, sculptures, jewelry and other creative items.

Theatre seating — Three hundred sixty roomy, upholstered seats are arranged in a classic Continental pattern with no center aisle, but with extra wide spaces between the rows.

Acoustics — The fine-tuning included evaluating all its exposed surfaces, then adding certain materials that absorb undesirable echoes and frequencies but allow others to focus out into the audience.

State of the art — The FSB Center has technologically sophisticated audio, visual and lighting equipment.

An ivory Green Room — Before going on stage, performers can relax in their Green Room which isn’t really green.

Lecture Hall — This 40-seat Lecture Hall is equipped for power-point presentations.

Special spaces — The FSB Center includes rooms for just about every artistic college activity.

Rehearsal Room — Used for rehearsals of instrumental performances, this room includes Wenger equipment.

Room of their own — NCTC’s singing groups now have a room of their very own for rehearsals.

Performing Arts Center — This Monolithic Dome has a diameter of 130 feet and an 8-inch-thick concrete stemwall that is 18 feet high. Overall size: 25,600 square feet.