Cliffdome — Then and Now

Deck the Dome — At Cliffdome, the Souths’ deck curved around the dome and provided a breath-taking view of the area.

The Souths’ Deck — In 1980, this was the deck the Souths built. They later added a roof for shade.

Living Room — Judy South often rearranged the furniture in her 2000-square-foot living room.

Music Room — Family and visitors enjoyed both the sounds and sights of this room.

Spiral Staircase — This curvaceous stairway leads to the attic area.

Changes — The Kelseys eventually filled the garden with concrete. They replaced the old, outdoor carpeting and turned the patio into an attractive game room.

Indoor Garden — Its 1000 square feet included a pond and a banana tree that actually bloomed and bore fruit in 1984.

Cookie Anyone? — The focal point of the dining area is Mrs. Kelsey’s (Cliffdome’s current co-owner) extensive display of cookie jars.

Bedroom — Over the years, Cliffdome comfortably accommodated all of its many occupants.

Rainbow — One of Cliffdome’s walls included a hand-painted rainbow.

Friends — Sydney, David South’s granddaughter, makes friends and plays with one of the Kelseys’ granddaughters.

A Dome-Home Gym — Melinda South and her siblings enjoyed playing basketball and roller skating in Cliffdome’s gym.

Banquet Time — The Souths often entertained. This picture, taken in the mid-1980s, depicts their living room set up for a banquet.

Dining — The Souths entertained and fed both large and small gatherings.

The Kelseys’ Deck — When the Kelseys moved into Cliffdome, they replaced the original deck, but the view is still the same — as spectacular as it always was.

Cliffdome in 1980 — By pulling air through open windows and doors at night, Cliffdome stayed cool, requiring no air conditioning. A small, mobile-home heater kept this 8000-square-foot home warm.

Cliffdome — In 1978, Judy and David South designed Cliffdome to show the world just how versatile a Monolithic Dome could be and to comfortably accommodate their growing family and friends who often stayed with them.

Cliffdome in 2003 — Built in 1978, Cliffdome has a diameter of 75 feet, a height of 28 feet, two and a half levels, a living area of 8000 square feet and an attic area of 1500 square feet.