The Case Of The Disappearing Dome

Windows — A wall of windows in the dining area provides light and a gorgeous view of the surroundings.

The Disappearing Dome — This dream-come-true home in Manitowoc, Wisconsin is a Monolithic Dome with a diameter of 55 feet and three stories. It overlooks Lake Michigan and on foggy days because almost invisible.

Gourmet Fittings — The kitchen features custom cabinets and stained-glass windows.

Living Room — Arched window panes over the large living room windows complement the round shape of the dome.

Furnished for Comfort — Furnishings in this bedroom include a queen bed and comfy, cozy recliners.

Custom Stairway — A graceful, winding stairway leads to the second floor.

Third Level View — It overlooks the kitchen and dining area. The custom designed hickory staircase is the focal point of this dome.

More Windows — The third floor also has many windows. They too provide a spectacular view of the area.

Sitting Area — This third-floor bedroom has a sitting area with a view.

Unique Touches — A beautiful, glass chandelier hangs from a skylight.

Master Bedroom — Barbara Stitt designed a massive, cherry-wood headboard for the master bedroom.

Twin Bathrooms — This dome-home includes his and her bathrooms, each with marble countertops.

Outside Stairway — A curved, concrete stairway leads from the lowest level and ascends to the main living area. Limestone from a nearby quarry skirts the base of the dome.

Balcony — Built off the dome’s third level, this balcony overlooks Lake Michigan.