The 550-seat seat Monolithic Dome auditorium is nearly complete for the All Nations Church in Sudbury, Ontario. It’s been a long road. The dome and related buildings began construction in 2011. The congregation is paying for everything as they go. So far they raised $4.5 millon for the project.
Once construction is complete, the church will pair up with the program Greening Sacred Spaces to use All Nations Church as an example of green building.
“We’re hoping that what we’ve learned in terms of green energy and green construction, we’ll be able to pass the information along to other large buildings,” he said.
The centrepiece of the project is the auditorium where services will be held. It includes finely tuned acoustics specially designed for the space, image magnification technology for broadcasting purposes, and sloped seating of 550 seats, with no seat being more than 50 feet from the stage, so every participant has a good view.
They hope to hold a public open house in the spring.
Read the rest of Dome church will also be one of Ontario’s greenest on Northern Life.