Imagine hitting the road, and going in search of new discoveries and then telling your story to a worldwide audience. That’s what Aaron Fown is doing on The Trip for Life
Dubbing himself a scientist and techie, the new graduate recently set off on the adventure of a lifetime. He is traveling the country to report on “discovering, technologies and ways of being that have the potential to change the world.” And he is using new media like YouTube and podcasts to tell his story.
Recently, he stopped in at the Monolithic Dome Institute in Italy, Texas, where he interviewed David South and reported on the various uses of these innovative buildings in a YouTube video.
Among his questions: What are the benefits of a Monolithic Dome over a conventional building? What inspired the creation of the Monolithic Dome? How long have you been working on the Monolithic technology?
Other stops on The Trip for Life: a wind farm in Iowa, the Growing Power urban farm in Milwaukee, and a small, sustainable dairy in southeastern Michigan.