The All Nations Church of Sudbury, Canada is the first of it’s kind in the area. The Monolithic Dome church is the culmination of years of hard work and sacrifice by members of the congregation as the Sudbury Star reported in February.
The church is like no other structure in Sudbury. Indeed it’s like no two other structures in Sudbury. It’s visible throughout many parts of the city, sitting on 17 acres at the one of the highest elevations in that area of the city.
The dome is monolithic, built with concrete walls, floors and ceilings, covered with a plastic liner, sprayed with [polyurethane] foam, embedded with rebar, then blasted with shotcrete, a form of liquid cement used to build underground mines.
Shotcrete acts like rock on a hot day, he says; attracting the heat of the sun, retaining it and remaining warm “for days on end.”
Church leaders chose a domed facility for ultimate energy efficiency in case predictions that the cost of hydroelectricity would double in 10 years came true.
“We wanted to build a facility where our children and our grandchildren could afford to turn the lights on,” says Mahood.
Read the rest of Sudbury Accent: All Nations for all people on the Sudbury Star website.