California dome home finds new life with new owners
“The Hobbit Hole,” as this Monolithic Dome has come to be known, has found new owners who are giving it a new future. (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
The backyard of the home includes a pool and jacuzzi and a outdoor seating area. (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
The seating area and fire pit (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
A view of the seating area from the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Another view of the pool area (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Inside the home looking up at the dome (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
The high ceiling inside the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
The entry way of the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Curved walls are featured inside the home, here around the fireplace
A view from inside the home looking at the backyard
View from upper level out the windows into the backyard (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
A ground-floor view of the pool and the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
The jacuzzi is another feature of the backyard (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
The TV in the home
The fountain inside the home the stairs are wrapped around
Another view of the staircase and fountain (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Looking up inside the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Going down the staircase with the fountain (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
On the upper floor of the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
(Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
(Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Shower in the bathroom
Bedroom in the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Another bedroom in the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Bathroom in the home
Looking down on the living room from the upper level (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
Hallway on the upper level (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
The kitchen of the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
The other side of the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
A close-up view of the dome (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
A round window in the home (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)
More detail of the Monolithic Dome (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)

A beautiful Monolithic Dome (Melissa Sesma & Cory Feldman)