Jonathan Zimmerman: A man of character and life
![2 friends](/vault/img/2017/08/03/59839c7ac0a413190b0098f1/medium/Zimmerman_and_Skverksy.jpg)
The late architect Jonathan Zimmerman, left, with good friend Robert Skversky, right. (Robert Skversky)
Jonathan Zimmerman surrounded by family and friends at his 60th birthday party. (Robert Skversky)
![Garlock residence](/vault/img/2017/08/03/59839db4c0a413190b0098f3/medium/Garlock-Colorado-Monolithic-Dome-home.jpg)
The Garlock residence, on of the Monolithic Dome homes Zimmerman designed, is located in the Colorado Rockies.
![Dome of a Home](/vault/img/2017/08/03/59839e1dc0a413190b0098f4/medium/Dome-of-a-home.jpg)
Dome of a Home, another Monolithic Dome home designed by Zimmerman, is located in Pensacola, Florida. The structure has survived several hurricanes.