An affordable, 9-hole course!
Indoor golf may now be affordable utilizing the Monolithic Dome. A nine-hole course could be built perfectly in four, 400-foot domes. Proposed plans include two holes in each of three domes and three holes in the fourth dome.
The benefits of having an indoor golf course are obvious. There would never be a day too rainy, too snowy or too hot to play. A person could practice year-round and in climates not usually conducive to golf.
A complete, eighteen-hole, indoor golf course is not yet a reality. We can build the domes large enough, but the price may be too high. However, a nine-hole course is much more realistic.
Sky Shell Design
Lighting bounced off the dome shell can create a light, airy feel inside the dome, and for a sky shell effect, the dome’s ceiling can be painted to resemble the sky.
Each of the four domes could project a different ambiance. But each can have auxiliary space for storage, pro-shops, restaurants, pubs, putting greens, teaching areas and even child-care.
Artificial grass could be used inside the structure. The new artificial grasses are spectacular! But as an alternative, skylights and full-spectrum lighting could be used to cultivate sod to perfection.
The land
To build a structure similar to our design, at least ten acres is needed. So the question is: If you build it, will they come? And will there be enough of them to make it profitable?
Cost projection
A Monolithic Dome indoor golf facility, similar to the one described, would cost approximately 30 million dollars. BUT, the amount of money paid by year-round golfers and saved in maintenance costs would be enormous. Much more research needs to be done in this area.
Ready for Golf: An idea waiting to happen
Recently we received an email from a customer who has generated many ideas for an indoor facility called “Ready for Golf.” Mark Hahl, founder of Ready For Golf, sent us the following thoughts for our consideration:
The mission of Ready For Golf is to stand-up for Jane and Joe “Average” golfer. In the last ten years the Golf Industry has become, more or less, real estate driven; paying little attention to the existence of the average golfer who can’t afford the price and does not have the time required to invest in the game. In addition, today’s “super-sized” golf courses have completely eliminated the possibility for entry of new players that wish to take up the game as a part-time event.
The top three reasons driving players away from this game and keeping new players from playing on an active basis are: Time – it takes too long to play; Cost – it’s too expensive to play frequently; and Frustration – can’t enjoy playing golf because the courses are much too long and difficult.
At Ready for Golf we believe that this direction has created an opportunity for us to produce challenging, but enjoyable golf courses on smaller parcels of land that will produce revenue streams for the owners and rounds of enjoyable golf for the average player. (For more information, see or contact Mike Hahl via email or call 772-215-3426.)
Monolithic would love to build a facility such as this or anything similar. If you have the financial resources, design ideas and the wherewithal to make it happen, please contact us today and let’s get the ball rolling!
Note: This article was updated June 28, 2007.