The Energy Detective The Energy Detective’s real time display is part of the package. Right now this unit sits on my kitchen counter, but you can remove it from the dock and walk anywhere in the house with it. (Energy, Inc.) Wiring diagram, from the installation manual, shows a typical installation for someone who wants to monitor both the house power usage and the electric generation from their devices. (Energy, Inc.) I installed a box next to my panel, since the panel didn’t have room for all the devices. This box holds the CT (bottom left) and the MTU. I purchased the box and the correction blocks at Home Depot. (Michael South) Here are the CT clamps hooked into the main leads of the panel. (Michael South) An overview shot of the device installed. (Michael South) The TED web interface shows real time usage, along with other useful information. (Michael South) Load profiling of my water heater so far this morning shows that it has been running at night. I wonder why; I guess now I can investigate. (Michael South) If you live in a Monolithic Dome, you may not get to see much when tracking your A/C units. (Michael South) Google Powermeter is fun to watch. I have it on my Google home page so that I can see it throughout the day. (Michael South)