Project: The Future of Senior Living

The Future of Senior Living Project – Its ongoing mission is the creation, implementation and development of an innovative living environment for seniors.

Ideal Senior Housing – A Monolithic Dome facility specifically designed for the elderly and infirm will provide comfortable and safe accommodations.

Monolithic Dome Complex – It includes specially designed domes for residents, personnel and all activities.

Security – A Monolithic Dome surrounded by a tall fence makes an ideal, ultra-secure Alzheimer unit.

Family Units – This Alzheimer unit can comfortably accommodate ten people with family members.

Home Environment – Instead of hospital- and hotel-like institutions, seniors will live in dome-homes.

Privacy – The dome-homes will include private bedrooms and shared common areas.

High Quality Services – Well trained, paid and highly motivated employees will provide a family environment, so seniors can live as if they were still in their own homes.

Tornado Resistance – By April 29, 2011, more than a thousand tornadoes roared through America. Seniors housed in Monolithic Domes need not fear these horrendous disasters.

Competent Care – By implementing the best practices and experience, this program will launch the most successful gerontological practices in the world.

We are ready! – Our team has reached the point where every detail has been carefully considered.