Monolithic Dome Salt Storages

Salt Storage near Texoma, OK — Most salt storage structures are filled by pushing the salt into the building with a front-end loader. But if the buyer plans on pouring the salt into the dome through a top opening, Monolithic will construct the salt storage with an opening at the top. For the Airform, that will be the dome’s outer membrane, Monolithic suggests choosing a white or sandstone color. But other colors are also available.

Salt Storage – Colorado Department of Highways — Monolithic has designed and constructed many domes for salt storage. They successfully withstand front-end loaders banging around inside, and when properly treated they resist salt’s damaging effects.

Twin domes – Ford Motor Co. Tulsa, OK — These domes, each with a 105’ diameter are for the storage of cullet, the technical name for broken glass. Furnaces that produce glass work more efficiently when broken glass is mixed with new materials to create new glass. Therefore, cullet is actually made and stored in the domes for future use.

Salt Storage – Denver International Airport — Monolithic has pre-engineered, predesigned salt storages available in 3 sizes most communities need: 1000 ton, 1500 ton and 2500 ton.

1000 Ton Salt Storage Design (Larry Byrne)

1500 Ton Salt Storage Design (Larry Byrne)

2500 Ton Salt Storage Design (Larry Byrne)