Bonnie and Bill McLeod built their hunting lodge in Blackwell, Texas: a Monolithic Dome with a 60-foot diameter, a 30-foot height, two stories, and 5200 square feet of living space that they named “our Dome on the Range”.
More about the Monolithic Dome Home
A Monolithic Dome Home = Dream Home + Green Home
Design Abundance and Flexibility
In size, Monolithic Dome homes range from cozy-cute to palatial and include everything in between. So you can plan for just what you need or all that you want.
As a Monolithic Dome, your dream home can be single-story or multi-story. It could consist of one dome or two or more interconnected domes. It could sport a basement, loft or indoor swimming pool. It could be earth-bermed or totally underground. It can compliment its natural environment — whether that’s a mountain, a beach, a forest, a ranch or an urban development. And its interior and exterior can be enhanced, embellished and decorated following the same design principles that apply to traditional homes.
That versatility extends to shapes. Monolithic offers a variety of shapes and both high and low profiles. Our designers work with our clients. Since a dome’s profile determines the size of a dome’s surface area, and the surface area, in turn, affects construction costs, we help clients make their choices.
Monolithic Domes conserve natural materials, space and electricity. Their construction does not deplete our planet’s shrinking forests. They require a smaller surface area and use fewer materials to enclose that area. And they are perfect candidates for a solar-thermal system that captures and uses the sun’s light and heat to light and heat a home.
Monolithic Domes are insulated with polyurethane foam sprayed on in a seamless pattern that fills all nooks and crannies. That process eliminates air leaks and allows a Monolithic Dome home to preserve its inner atmosphere. Thus, your home will automatically conserve on air-conditioning and heating.
Compared to a traditional structure of the same size, a Monolithic Dome requires less air-conditioning and heating equipment as well. That translates into savings in energy, construction costs and equipment maintenance.
Safety and Security
Because of their shape and construction materials, Monolithic Domes can survive most natural and man-made disasters: tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires, bullets, rot, mold and termites.
Domes are great survivors. Rome still has and uses the Pantheon, built in 126 A.D. Monolithic Domes have that kind of a lifespan — one that’s measured in centuries, not just years.
Low Maintenance
The roof on a Monolithic Dome home never needs replacing because domes are roofless. Nor must they have a lot of high-maintenance trim.
Various products can be chosen to cover a Monolithic Dome’s Airform or outer skin: paint, stucco, concrete, wood, tile, brick, etc. But regardless of the choice, the dome will require only a minimum of upkeep.
Monolithic Has the Experts and the Tools
Designing a Monolithic Dome dream-home is fun! But it’s a process that takes care — care in considering all the factors, care in making many choices. Monolithic has experienced, knowledgeable, easy-to-reach professionals to guide you through the entire process.
Besides people, we have tools. Monolithic hosts a website Bulletin Board on which you can post questions or comments. We conduct an Annual Monolithic Dome Conference and four hands-on Workshops a year. We also maintain a library of articles, books, CDs, and podcasts.