All manner of products, goods or items can be safely maintained in a Monolithic Dome bulk storage: grains, fruits, vegetables, meats, coal, fertilizer, pesticides, frac sand etc.
We can help you design a storage unit or units specifically fitting your needs. Generally, such a facility can be constructed and operated more affordably than other types of structures, similarly sized and equipped.
When it comes to state-of-the-art equipment for moving, loading and unloading stored goods, we know what works the best and is affordable. We also know how to equip a storage dome with air conditioning and a programmable, worry-free thermostat system that can economically maintain the necessary temperature — whether that’s cool, cold or freezing.
Monolithic Domes are strong, durable and safe. They can survive tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. Their concrete shells cannot burn, be eaten by termites or rot.