Lafarge Cement Plant — Located in Ontario, Canada, Lafarge’s storage dome can hold 40,000 tons.

Lafarge Cement Plant — Located in Ontario, Canada, Lafarge’s storage dome can hold 40,000 tons.

Monolithic Dome Bulk Storage

All manner of products, goods or items can be safely maintained in a Monolithic Dome bulk storage: grains, fruits, vegetables, meats, coal, fertilizer, pesticides, frac sand etc.

We can help you design a storage unit or units specifically fitting your needs. Generally, such a facility can be constructed and operated more affordably than other types of structures, similarly sized and equipped.

When it comes to state-of-the-art equipment for moving, loading and unloading stored goods, we know what works the best and is affordable. We also know how to equip a storage dome with air conditioning and a programmable, worry-free thermostat system that can economically maintain the necessary temperature — whether that’s cool, cold or freezing.

Monolithic Domes are strong, durable and safe. They can survive tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes. Their concrete shells cannot burn, be eaten by termites or rot.

Click here for a Free Monolithic Dome Storage Evaluation

Hawaii Cement — This cement storage dome is located in Kapolie, HI.

Hawaii Cement — This cement storage dome is located in Kapolie, HI.

North Texas Cement — North Texas Cement’s storage domes in Houston, Texas holds 38,500 tons of cement in each of the 150-foot diameter by 83-foot tall domes.

North Texas Cement — North Texas Cement’s storage domes in Houston, Texas holds 38,500 tons of cement in each of the 150-foot diameter by 83-foot tall domes.

More about the Monolithic Dome Storage

Your dollar buys more when you invest in a Monolithic Dome bulk storage facility. Not only can you get exactly what you need for less, but you can get it designed and built by experienced, reliable and reputable professionals.

Monolithic Dome Petroleum Coke Storages

Petroleum Coke Storage — In St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, Hovensa Coker Storage, Bechtel Corp. has two 254′ × 127′ Monolithic Domes. With a capacity of 40,000 metric tons, they’re the world’s largest petroleum coke storages. After this photo was taken, an equipment tower and conveyor system was set on top of the domes. The weight allowance was one million pounds.

Petroleum coke, often called “petcoke,” is a byproduct of oil refineries. Monolithic Dome Petroleum Coke Storages are the best solution to the problem of storing petcoke out in the open in massive dust-pollution generating piles that is swiftly becoming an unacceptable solution to the American public. Read more in David B. South’s latest President’s Sphere.

Going Up: Three Monolithic Fertilizer Storages in Estonia

Monolithic’s Airform being inflated.

Monolithic Constructors Poland (MCP) has started construction on three large fertilizer storage domes in Estonia, a former Soviet state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe that, unlike many countries in that area, has a high-income economy. Jan Pregowski, chief executive of MCP, signed the contract for these Monolithic Domes last year, but due to a severe winter, MCP had to wait until now to inflate and start construction.

Monolithic Storages: New Developments

A Monolithic bulk storage facility involves cutting-edge technology in the design and construction of the structure and in the components used to move, load and unload the stored goods. Follow this link to information about the newest and best developments in this industry.

Monolithic Domes For Cold Storage

CALAMCO — These two domes, which are each 230 feet in diameter and 115 feet high, were built for the California Ammonia Co. (CALAMCO). Each dome is big enough to hold 600 semi-truck loads of apples.

Adaptability and affordability are key words when you’re talking about Monolithic Domes built as cold storage facilities. “It’s a matter of you tell us what you want and need, and we will help you design and build it,” said Monolithic’s President David B. South. “We can do a cold storage dome of just about any size — small ones with diameters of 75 feet or less, giant ones with diameters of 200+ feet, or anything in between.”

More About the Monolithic Dome Storages

Lone Star Northwest, Inc. — This cement storage located Portland, Oregon is 141′ × 74.5′.

Your dollar buys more when you invest in a Monolithic Dome bulk storage facility. Not only can you get exactly what you need for less, but you can get it designed and built by experienced, reliable and reputable professionals.

Monolithic Dome: An Ideal, Automated Warehouse

Cut-away — Monolithic Dome cut-away showing the storage of pallets utilizing an automated storage and retrieval system furnished by PAS.

“The higher you go, the more susceptible a building is to hurricane or tornado damage,” said David South, president of Monolithic, at a discussion of the latest in warehouses, distribution centers and storage facilities. “That’s why the Monolithic Dome makes an ideal automated warehouse,” he added.

Monolithic Dome Salt Storages

Salt Storage near Texoma, OK — Most salt storage structures are filled by pushing the salt into the building with a front-end loader. But if the buyer plans on pouring the salt into the dome through a top opening, Monolithic will construct the salt storage with an opening at the top. For the Airform, that will be the dome’s outer membrane, Monolithic suggests choosing a white or sandstone color. But other colors are also available.

Monolithic Domes make the best salt storages. They are solid concrete on the inside. Concrete handles salt damage far better than just about any other building material.

Equalizer, Inc.- Prepared for Mother Nature

Ammonium Nitrate and Diammonium Phosphate storage — Equalizer Inc.‘s twin Monolithic Domes, 130’ x 70’ each, at the Port of Victoria in Victoria, Texas

Since the fiercest hurricane on record to hit the U.S. blasted the Texas coast in 1900, Equalizer’s location certainly is in a hurricane zone. That hurricane-proneness was one of the main reasons Equalizer decided on Monolithic Domes for the storage of their two products: ammonium nitrate and diammonium phosphate.

Lone Star Northwest, Inc.

Cement Storage — The Lone Star Northwest, Inc. storage is located prominently in downtown Portland, Oregon. The Monolithic Dome is the ideal unit to contain the cement in an attractive storage that does not detract from the area.

Gary Madson, General Manager of Cement Operations for Lone Star Northwest, Inc., described their Monolithic Dome cement storage facility as, “a highly visible symbol for our company right in the heart of Portland.”

Two New Domes for El Dorado Chemical Company

Two domes; two purposes  — Smaller dome was designed as a warehouse for various bulk chemicals. Larger dome was designed as a blending plant and includes eight storage bins and state-of-the-art equipment for mixing various fertilizers.

El Dorado Chemical Company now has two new Monolithic Domes. The smaller dome, that has a 40-foot diameter, will warehouse various bagged chemicals. The larger dome has a 95-foot diameter, eight storage bins and state-of-the-art equipment for the blending of various fertilizers. A giant, metal, patio cover connects the two.

Fertilizer Blend Plants: A Growing Demand

Eldorado Chemical Blend Plant — Located in Bryan, Texas the large dome is 95 feet in diameter and the smaller is 40 feet in diameter. The large dome has a 3000 ton capacity.

A Monolithic Dome makes an ideal fertilizer blend plant that mixes, packages, stores and distributes specialty chemicals for various agricultural purposes. These domes contain many large bins used to store phosphorus, potash and nitrogen in various forms, as well as other micronutrients such as iron, chrome or zinc. From these ingredients, hundreds of different fertilizer formulas can be created.

Anatomy of a Monolithic Bulk Storage

Cross section of a Monolithic Dome bulk storage.

Bulk Materials is a term used for large quantities of similar material. Bulk storage is the term for buildings that store bulk commodities such as cement, sand, frac sand, salt, fertilizer, feed, grains, aggregates, carbon, chips, seeds, peanuts, coke, blasting powder – and the list goes on. Capacities may vary from a few hundred tons to many thousand tons.

Bulk storage improved — the 3/4 sphere Monolithic Dome

This shape will generally cost less per ton of storage because it is part of a sphere rather than a cylinder. This can be especially true if we are extracting the material through underfloor conveyors, as the stored materials are more concentrated at the floor level. The need for sweeping of the corners will be significantly reduced.

Generally, traditional bulk storages, such as grain silos, cement silos and vertical grain bins, are cylinders. Sometimes they are rectangular, but usually such storages are silo shapes. But the strength of a spherical shape beats both the cylindrical shape and the rectangular shape. In fact, the spherical shape is twice as strong as the cylindrical shape.

Methane Storage by Monolithic

Because it’s virtually identical to natural gas, methane’s role in our world’s economy is becoming increasingly necessary and important. Methane can actually replace natural gas.

Why a Monolithic Dome Fertilizer Blend Plant?

Our design of a rotating incoming conveyer is unique. The incoming conveyor brings material from the elevator outside and drops it into the center. Then it can be rotated to drop the product into the bin of choice. The dome can support any loads you can hang off it.  All of the material handling equipment is supported off the dome.  Catwalks provide access to each moving part, so maintenance is simple.

What’s a fertilizer blend plant’s number-one enemy? Moisture! If water gets into or condensation forms inside a storage unit, it quite quickly begins degrading the fertilizer and forming rust. But Monolithic uses a technology that keeps that troublesome process to a minimum.

Monolithic Cement Storages

This pictograph shows the inbound cement either by conveyor or air tube from ship or barge or rail or truck. It also shows cross sections of possible tunnels under the floor for retrieval. The cement can be dropped into the tunnel onto conveyors either by vibratory units, or air slides or mechanical sweeps.

Monolithic Domes have been designed and constructed for cement storage for many years. The dome imitates nature’s strongest shape: the egg. And shape is enormously valuable when building storages.

Monolithic Dome Frac Sand Storage now at State-of-the-Science Facility

On its 1,000 acre operation in Voca, Texas, Cadre has three Monolithic Domes for storing frac-sand. For retrieving the sand, each dome has a Monolithic concrete tunnel 23’ wide, 13’ high and about 130’ long.

Voca, Texas is one of those towns that you might have missed if you blinked while driving through on State Highway 71. The 2010 census counted just 126 residents in Voca. But while it’s small, it’s not so easily missed these days. Voca now has three, new, very visible Monolithic Domes that Cadre, the largest single-line proppant plant in Texas, will use for storing frac-sand.