We covered an EcoShell garage with a combination of trumpet vine and Lady Banks roses. First we planted only the roses. Vinyl rope was used for the climbing tool. The roses grew about 10’ before they started growing away from the dome. Then trumpet vines were added and tied to the roses, which helped the climbing effect. You can see the dome is almost completely covered.
A Green Roof
Check out nature’s way of coating a dome by scrolling through the pictures. (Click the top image and scroll thru the images and captions.) This unique way provides protection as well as beauty to the outside of your dome.

A Green roof is nature’s perfect coating.

Green roofs can be used to protect your dome’s Airform.

Green roofs can be used as an aesthetic enhancement of your Monolithic Dome or EcoShell.

To create a green roof, start by attaching some type of apparatus for the vine to climb. Our experience taught us not to use something too light, such as fishnet. Reason: as the vine grows it gets heavy and will pull the apparatus down. In the project shown here, we used chain link fencing.

Here, honeysuckle was attached to fishnet. As you can see, it pulled the netting down. We then went back and attached chain link fence, but the honeysuckle doesn’t seem to want to climb higher than 10 feet. In 15 years this is as high as it has grown.

The severe drought of 2011 in North Central Texas didn’t help this vine at all, but you can see how well the trumpet vine climbs up the chain link. Had we gone higher with the fence, it would have grown higher.