Bruco – A Very Busy Caterpillar

Bruco, our Texas Italian Caterpillar — Bruco’s 7, 60-foot, interconnected domes make a 14,000-square-feet factory with computers, cutting tables and machines for the design and manufacture of Airforms and various types of liners and covers. The overall size is 60’ wide by 240’ long by 20’ tall.

Makeover — In Summer 2001, Bruco got a makeover and now has a multi-colored coat to complement his flirty eyes, smiley mouth and glow-in-the-dark cowboy boots.

Inside Bruco — Bruco’s openness provides room for the manufacture and assembly of an Airform for a 200’ diameter Monolithic Dome, a 300’ diameter Crenosphere, or a grain tarp to cover a 2-acre grain pile.
A/C Unit — Everyone knows that in Texas you “Go big or go home!” Even the weather is extreme—we sometimes have as many as 50 days in a row that are one hundred degrees or hotter! Anybody that knows anything about air conditioning will tell you that a five-ton air conditioning unit cooling 14,000 square feet is ludicrous – any place but in a Monolithic Dome where this five-ton air conditioning unit has been cooling off the 14,000 square foot, “Bruco,” Airform manufacturing facility in the Texas heat for about 22 years.
T5 Lighting — T5 lighting provides Bruco’s 14,000 square feet with both efficient light, as you can see in this interior picture, and heat. Winters in Texas can be cold, but Bruco has no traditional heating system in place. In the winter, we leave the lights on at night and between the lights and the RF welders, the building stays warm. (Note: The fan shown in this photo is used to dissipate the odor caused by the man hand welding an Airform.)

Grain Cover — It’s totally assembled and ready to start receiving grain. Center tower supports the grain conveyor that fills it. Grain drops through the center tower and under the cover.

Covered outdoor grain piles — They are usually fenced around the perimeter, with aeration ducts laid in a spoked wheel pattern. Those ducts maintain an even temperature and help keep moisture down inside the grain pile. The grain cover sections, shown above, are ready to be rolled out and fastened together.

Partially assembled grain cover — Each of the gores (sections) is fastened to a lifting ring around the center tower. As the lifting ring rises, the gores attach to each other.

A completed grain pile — Grain is spread to the edges forming a weather tight storage.

Center tower — It supports the grain conveyor that fills it. Grain drops through this tower and under the cover.

Loading a Monolithic Dome Airform — Don Garrison, Airform Division Manager, and workers use a crane to load the 265-foot half-sphere Airform created for Hovensa, a coke storage facility in St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands.

Airform fabrics — Monolithic has special fabrics shipped to Bruco from all over the world. Bruco safely stores massive rolls.

Going my way? — The shipment process includes properly folding an Airform and covering it with scrap fabric and shrink wrap.

Compost Cover — Manufactured in Bruco, these compost covers create an odor free option for the composting industry and home composters alike. See